Thank you for considering 2nd Nature Safety Students for your employee needs. We are Houston's leading company in providing trainings for the Oil and Gas Industry. Our students receive over 17 certifications that provides them with the skills and knowledge to provide a quality performance and productivity. The growth and success of 2nd Nature Safety is directly related to the talent that we produce through our training courses.
Locating qualified talent has never been easier. Let us assist you in locating the talent you have been searching for to meet your employee needs. Our students have access to our job board in which we list our partner's employment opportunities.
If you are an employer searching for talent, please sign in above and submit your employment opportunity to be distributed to our students. Once your submission is received, we will notify you via email of the talent we have identified to fit your need.
If there are any questions or concerns, please contact us by email at info@2ndnaturesafety.com or by phone: 713-396-0582.